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Living Danish – How To Create A Healthy Hygge Home

Anyone who follows the new styles of interior design will probably have noticed the Danish concept of ‘Hygge’ becoming the new buzz word. Although the use of the word Hygge is becoming increasingly common, you probably don’t know exactly the Danish concepts of Hygge actually are. Read on to find out how you can show your Hygge style.


Where did the idea of Hygge come from?

The correct Hygge pronunciation is ‘hoo-ga’, and comes from the happiest country in the world. No, not Disneyland, Denmark.

Think one of the oldest styles of Danish living, rolled up with;

lots of cosiness and relaxation,

thick textured throws,

your fave old socks,

a nice cup of hot chocolate,

all sprinkled with some Christmas magic

your best friend’s smile

– and you are getting very close to the deeper meaning of Hygge.


Hygge, the art of Living Danishly

The old Viking Danes learnt a lot, as they lived through centuries of the deepest coldest winters known on the planet. They understood how important it was to come together in midst of the coldest weather, and celebrate and appreciate all the big and small things which make life worth living. But, it wasn’t until the 1800’s Hygge really arrived as a strong life principle.

@ ShaktiShiva

How do we make a Hygge home?

It really isn’t as hard as what you might think to recreate the Midwinter Danish way of life here in Sydney.

The Big Things

Obviously, it is much, much easier to refashion your home within the Danish concept of Hygge, if you are already planning to renovate.

Follow these guidelines;

minimalist décor isn’t always the best choice for a Hygge house

choose furnishings which celebrate the natural elements of a Northern European Christmas  – soft toned whites, slate grey and velvet moss greens, heavy and soft textured fabrics, and warm-toned stone and woodgrains finishes

avoid dominant ‘shocking’ colours like an excess of chrome or silver, stark white, full on black or blood red

The Small Things

forget the diet – still choose to eat freshly and healthy, but remember life needs ‘small’ treats shared with friends.

no – not the double, double chocolate muffin – but a couple of squares of chocolate can round off a very pleasant evening

put your phone away – do you really need to know what drama is happening to the girl you were friends with in year 3

buy sumptuous cushions, soft lush rugs, and lounges generous enough for two or more

fill your house with the warm odour of inviting mixed spice cooking


Get the idea? Think of Hygge as creating a living space which reminds you to celebrate all the good, comforting and rich parts of life.

Remember when you’re ready to get you Hygge on, most of the Big Things (and some of the small things) can be found at our Renovator Auctions showrooms. Renovator Auctions is one of the few places in Sydney where you can find premium quality home improvements and building materials at a cost effective price. For more information a follow our Facebook page or contact us.

*This blog is general in nature and is ONLY meant to give readers an overview of the subject matter. Do NOT rely on this information for your specific needs. If you are planning to carry out any renovations, we highly recommend that you contact Renovator Auctions or other renovation professionals concerning your SPECIFIC requirements

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